Lausanne is situated on the shore of the Geneva Lake in the Vaud state, Switzerland. The city of Lausanne is well known for its hills that makes some streets legendary. Streets such as Petit-Chêne, Valentin, and Grey scare all cycling enthusiasts. The city is built on three hills above the lake. Three bridges and a tunnel makes the ups and downs a little easier: Pont Bessière and its subway, Grand-Pont and its arches, Pont Chauderon and its view to the Jura mountains and finally the Tunnel’s unique architecture that earn its name a capital letter. Register here Trailer CMWC13
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So CMWC Chicago results For more information go to their site here this is the way the worlds end Final Results Overall Speed (Messenger): Craig Etheridge and Josephine Reitzel International Speed Champion:Kosuke Shimosaka (Tokyo) Track King: Crihs Thormann Track Queen: Sarah Murder Top Non-Messengers: Hans Fogh and Kym Perfetto Cargo: Hans Fogh Trackstands: Anita Dilles and Mike Cobb Sprints: Jack Linquist and Jenna Makgill Skids: Alex Faroletti and Sarah Murder Footdown: Scott Free Raddest Dude/ette: Kayla Dotson and Nick G Raddest Dude/ette Internationally: Josephine/Raf Biggest Wiener: SK Most Professional: Lane Dell DFL: Joshua Whitesnake