Chicago cmwcSo CMWC Chicago results
For more information go to their site here

this is the way the worlds end

Final Results

Overall Speed (Messenger):
Craig Etheridge and Josephine Reitzel

International Speed Champion:Kosuke Shimosaka (Tokyo)

Track King: Crihs Thormann
Track Queen: Sarah Murder

Top Non-Messengers: Hans Fogh and Kym Perfetto

Cargo: Hans Fogh

Trackstands: Anita Dilles and Mike Cobb
Sprints: Jack Linquist and Jenna Makgill
Skids: Alex Faroletti and Sarah Murder
Footdown: Scott Free

Raddest Dude/ette: Kayla Dotson and Nick G
Raddest Dude/ette Internationally: Josephine/Raf
Biggest Wiener: SK
Most Professional: Lane Dell
DFL: Joshua Whitesnake

Posted in CMWC.