Awaremess at CMWC

In August of 2024 at CMWC Zurich, the international messenger community voted to hold future CMWC’s responsible for implementing Awaremess policies and practices at their respective events. Similar obligations for Awaremess were set for ECMC several years ago. In the years where that obligation was honored, these practices helped ensure a safe space for any and all, as well helping our community respect one another’s boundaries. The decision to propose the vote for adopting Awaremess at CMWC was brought forth by the IFBMA Council, after numerous concerns were publicly voiced at the Yokohama CMWC 2023 Open Forum and via other social/online mediums. These concerns pertained to specific cited incidents as well as a general observations, […]


Hello Bike messengers of the world. It has now been decided that the official online forum for discussing things, making decisions and helping the community move forward is here on this website.This forum can work as a complement to the open forums held at the messenger events. Please register and LOOK IN YOUR SPAM FOLDER for the confirmation e-mail. We will need people who are willing to take on the responsibility to moderate the discussions. Until everything is in place, please be extra careful to express yourself respectfully. We also are in great need for technical help, if anybody feels inclined – plus funding for the website that has been paid privately by Yogi for […]

CMWC 2022 New York City, USA

New York City is hosting the 28th edition of the cycle messenger world championship Ocutover 28-31, 2022for informationwebsite @cmwc.nycfacebook