MAYDAY 5 Was a HUGE Success!!

The last cheques have come in, the coin has been rolled and counted and the grand total is finally in! This year was the 5th annual MAYDAY race to benefit the BMEF . We were hoping to raise the most money to date and we did! We raised $7065!!!  This brings our 5 year total funds donated to the BMEF to $20,906.84!! A huge thank you to everyone that has made the trip to Toronto to support MAYDAY!! Another big thanks goes to all the awesome locals that race, party, drink, provide floor space, dj equipment, food, party spaces, and anything else that our guests might need to make their weekend awesome. A third heartfelt thanks goes to […]

Voting Process for CMWC Mexico 2014

We are trying out a new system this year at CMWC in Mexico City. There has been discussion online and this seems to be the format that everyone likes so when better to test it out then in a couple of weeks. We will be taking all feedback and using it to determine if this was a successful test run of a potentially new voting system being used going forward. Looking forward to testing out this system. If you have any questions please contact myself, Leah H or Stephanie “Papillon”.  Or come with your questions and concerns to the first Open Forum being held from 11am-1pm at Headquarters on Friday May 29th. See you there!  […]

Call out for topics of discussion at the Open Forums in Mexico City CMWC

  Hey everyone, CMWC is just around the corner so this is a call out for any and all topics that you’d like to discuss at the open forums in Mexico City. I want to get a solid idea of what should be on the agenda this year.  This discussion is also taking place on the messenger mailing list as well as on Facebook here at the IFBMA fb group. As points get listed and talked about on Facebook and on the mailing list I will also post them here. TOPICS SUBMITTED SO FAR: Steph from London has submitted this: OPEN FORUM AGENDA CMWC MEXICO PROPOSAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE VOTING SYSTEM OF CMWCs I have […]

Git yer BMEF swag now!

Its just what you’ve all been waiting for! Now you can sport your very own BMEF hoodie, cycling cap and tshirt! Patches, pins and stickers also available.  Better pics coming soon but for now you can see some here. Hoodies $45 Tshirts $20 Caps $15 Patches $10 Stickers $2 Pins $1 Email to place your order. **Cycling jerseys coming soon!!**


The first weekend in May 2014 marks the 5th anniversary of MAYDAY in Toronto. This event began as a small fundraiser for the BMEF (Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund) and quickly grew into the largest single supporter of the BMEF.  As a direct result of the money raised at MAYDAY, the BMEF was able to raise the amount of assistance paid out to an injured messenger from $300 to $500. To date MAYDAY has raised over $14,000 for the fund and hopes to surpass the $20,000 mark this year! The organizers have gathered together thousands of dollars in prizes from some really amazing sponsors (AllCity, Abus, Bern, Bikurious, Cogswell Bicycles, Coupe Bizzare, Cycle Solutions, Detroit Bikes, […]

Markus Cook Memorial Award

The International Federation of Bike Messenger Associations (IFBMA) is pleased to announce that Toronto bike messenger Leah Hollinsworth has been awarded the 2013 “Markus Cook Memorial Award” (MCA) for Services to the International Messenger Community. The IFBMA has awarded the Markus Cook Award (MCA) since 1998 to the person who has inspired and empowered the wider messenger community, and who puts all messengers before themselves. Leah is the fifth Toronto messenger to receive the Markus Cook Award. Leah has been an important member of the messenger community for almost fifteen years. She is a community builder, race organizer and dedicated fundraiser. She works with a team of Toronto couriers to organize holiday Christmas dinners and […]


CMWC 2014 is taking place in Mexico City on May 28- June 2.  There is a pre-event happening in Guadalajara on May 23-26 and a group ride after to CMWC.  Registration is open so scrape together some pesos and get your tickets and register! All the info here…. And like them on fb here…   See you there!!  

CMWC 2013

Lausanne is situated on the shore of the Geneva Lake in the Vaud state, Switzerland. The city of Lausanne is well known for its hills that makes some streets legendary. Streets such as Petit-Chêne, Valentin, and Grey scare all cycling enthusiasts. The city is built on three hills above the lake. Three bridges and a tunnel makes the ups and downs a little easier: Pont Bessière and its subway, Grand-Pont and its arches, Pont Chauderon and its view to the Jura mountains and finally the Tunnel’s unique architecture that earn its name a capital letter. Register here       Trailer CMWC13

So CMWC Chicago results For more information go to their site here this is the way the worlds end Final Results Overall Speed (Messenger): Craig Etheridge and Josephine Reitzel International Speed Champion:Kosuke Shimosaka (Tokyo) Track King: Crihs Thormann Track Queen: Sarah Murder Top Non-Messengers: Hans Fogh and Kym Perfetto Cargo: Hans Fogh Trackstands: Anita Dilles and Mike Cobb Sprints: Jack Linquist and Jenna Makgill Skids: Alex Faroletti and Sarah Murder Footdown: Scott Free Raddest Dude/ette: Kayla Dotson and Nick G Raddest Dude/ette Internationally: Josephine/Raf Biggest Wiener: SK Most Professional: Lane Dell DFL: Joshua Whitesnake


Warsaw Car Killers Foundation of Couriers has been set up in order to organise the CMWC 2011. It is a non-profit organisation of messengers supported by bicycle and urban culture enthusiasts. Many of us who are involved in the realisation of the event took part in organising the ECMC 2004, which was also held in Warsaw.